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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - ACCWS

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

23 May 2023 @ 7:00pm EST


May 23, 2023

Attendees: Richard Simman
Karen Brown
Christine Miller
Kelly McFee
Lonnie Lassiter
Kimberly Ferguson
Kimberly Smith
Jay Abbas
Windy Cole
Jean Archer-Collela
Tracy Winkley


  • Meeting called to order at 1903

    • Review/approve minutes from February 2023 Meeting – Minutes were not reviewed/approved

    • Chair Updates – Kelly McFee
    o AAWC/APWCA/ACHM/ACCWS Unification Update/Discussion – Please see attached documents – Kelly McFee
    o We reviewed the MOA and Executive Summary and had a good discussion about unification. Several questions from the Board about the history of unification discussion, will the new organization require certification of members, etc. Christine and Kelly will meet with attorney on June 7th to review these documents. Would like to offer a virtual townhall with membership to discuss unification and offer opportunity to ask questions/share concerns
    o D&O Insurance Update – Kelly McFee/Christine Miller/Kimberly Ferguson – this has been active for a few months now
    o Update on Trademarking – Kimberly Ferguson – there was a concern with our application and similarities with another trademark, questions answered, awaiting results
    o Legal Representation (Summer Burnley) – Kelly McFee

    • Education Chair Report – Richard Simman – The Journal of Wound Care is the official journal of the College. Richard submitted a couple of pages from the Serena meeting for publication. Reminder to the Board that we need to support the Journal and submit for publication.

    • Back to Basics Update – Wade Farrow/Windy Cole – agenda is set – presentations are being submitted for symposium.

    • Vendor Chair Update – Karen Brown/Kimberly Smith – Karen shared an Excel spreadsheet with vendor updates. Several vendors have indicated that they are going to sponsor, but none have completed the paper work or paid for sponsorship. This is concerning at this point. If any board members have any corporate contacts, please forward those to Karen so that we can finalize sponsorships. Richard suggested that we get all speakers and BODs registered for the symposium ASAP as increasing registrants is a bigger draw for sponsorship.

    • Treasurer Report – Tracy Winkley/Kimberly Ferguson – treasury report and membership report provided by Tracy – continue to see solid monthly income

    • Membership Chair Report – Lonnie Lassiter/Kimberly Ferguson – Lonnie is working with Jean to provide a video crew for symposium – they would broadcast presentations both days at the symposium and take video in Charleston to put together a 3-5 minute promotional video for the College

    • Media Chair Report-Jean Archer Colella, Amelia McCracken, Lisa Solvason – Jean shared media updates which included the marketing plan for all social media outlets that ACCWS has a presence on. Recent newsletter with blog post shared. BODs – please submit 30-45 second videos to promote the symposium and ACCWS.

    • Open Forum

    Next Symposium Planning Meeting- June 6, 2023, 7pm EST
    Next EC meeting – June 20, 2023, 7pm EST
    Q2 BOD meeting – August 22, 2023, 7pm EST

    Meeting ended at 2005

28 February 2023 @ 7:00pm EST

230228 ACCWS Executive Board Meeting Notes

 Attendees:  Karen Brown, Richard Simman, Kimberly Ferguson, Kelly McFee, Christine Miller, Jean Archer-Colella, Kimberly Smith, Tracy Winkley, Windy Cole, Wade Farrow


  • Minutes from last meeting unanimously approved
  • A number of companies are interested in sponsoring and Dr. Simman is reaching out to companies (Urgo, Histologics for board dinner, etc)

Unification Update

  • Upcoming meeting will allow other board members to attend via Zoom. Will have HCWPA gentleman attend who has experience with merging groups
  • No current agenda for day two of upcoming merger meeting

D&O Insurance

  • Legal absolutely recommends going forward with D&O insurance. She is willing to be legal representation for possible merger.  Looking into rates
  • Woundsource contract discussed. Atty had only minor recommended changes / clarifications
  • Mark McLamene has the trademark application registration. Discussed keeping this with him for the trademark to get it registered (need to show use) if he is in agreement, but changing legal counsel otherwise

Education Chair Report

  • Day 1 agenda is finalized and sent list of invited speaker guests to Christine. This should be within the $10k budgeted
  • Hoping to get 150 people to attend. This would be more than AWC had in Salt Lake City
  • 5-6 articles were published in the JWC. This is our official journal.  Simone asks to please send articles there
  • July issue will publish the proceeds of the AACWS meeting
  • Urgo can help market for local attendees. They have a speaker Kline and could sponsor lunch if he is doing an approved activity for CME.
  • Vendors: We have 6 so far and 3 maybes.

Treasury Report

  • $10k+ in dues, Expenses $8800. Total net income for quarter $1.8k.  Have $78k in cash in the bank
  • New Members: 37 students, ?renewals, lost 4-5 fellows to nonrenewal


Open Topics

  • Jean interested in Dr. Simman presenting for a multidiscliplanary presentation
  • Jean would like board members to make blogs for suggested topics to help rise awareness for the conference and tie into marketing. Also asking for videos.  Also useful for marketing.  Invite to the conference and discuss benefits for membership
  • Extended early bird registration until May
  • Dr Simman said we can take recordings of symposium and turn over to medical writer and make a paper out of it for the proceedings of the symposium. Have done it before.  Will put this on the agenda for next time.


Open Forum

  • Next symposium planning meeting is in April. Members felt this is ok as long as marketing for the symposium continues.  Need speaker nailed down for this.
  • Greg Bonne was invited late to the KOL meeting in NOLA. He tried to pull in the certification issue into the merger.  Some organizations were pushing this for certification.  



  • April 4 is the next Symposium Planning meeting
  • March 21 is next EC meeting
  • May 23 is next Board Meeting
22 November 2022 @ 7:00pm EST


November 22, 2022


Called to order: 7:00 PM EST

Adjourned: 7:36 PM EST

In attendance: Christine Miller, Kelly McFee, Karen Brown, Kimberly Ferguson, Jean Archer Colella, Naz Wahab, Don Mrdjenovich, Jihad Abbas, Tracy Winkley


Welcome New Board Members:

Drs. Jihad Abbas, Windy Cole, and Wade Farrow!!!!!!!!


  • Review/approve minutes from August 2022 Meeting. Approved as written
  • Chair Updates-Christine Miller
  • AAWC/APWCA/ACCWS Unification Update-Kelly McFee
  • Kelly gave a recap of the meeting that was held at the AAWC conference – each group represented expressed commitment to support each other, proposed drafting a joint letter that could be sent to each organization’s members
  • EC members and founding fellows have expressed concern over rushing to unify, unify vs collaborate, what structure would like, etc. While there are commonalities and benefits to collaboration (sharing costs on meetings and driving content that is patient/clinician/science based) there are some factors to consider.  One of which is that ACCWS is the only group that requires a certification for membership, others are simply pay to join and that contradicts one of core missions of promoting credentialing/elevating profession; there is no consensus among the organizations and it is suggested that the respective boards meet together to discuss details of structure options, etc.

ACCWS will ask for full disclosure from other groups regarding any pending litigation and not rush to proceed as recommended by the EC.


  • Leadership Transition: Chair 2023 (welcome, Kelly J ) – Kelly takes the helm and Christine remains on the board for another year.


  • Education Chair Report-Richard Simman absent, no report given; Symposium planning ongoing, next meeting Jan. 3, 2023

               Treasurer Report-Kim Smith/Kimberly Ferguson –  Assets $76, 268.42

  • Membership Chair Report – Lonnie Lassiter/Kimberly Ferguson – last quarter: 61 renewals, 19 new fellows, 1 new student, 3 new associates; YTD: Renewals: 243, New Fellows: 44, New Associates: 13, New Students: 48


  • Media Chair Report-Jean Archer Colella, Amelia McCracken, Lisa Solvason – per Jean, 2023 Symposium marketing underway – “Save the Date” on FB and LinkedIn, website is updated and Symposium landing page up, pricing is set, sponsor page updated (2 sponsors confirmed so far and ~25 letters sent out)


  • Many thanks for your excellent service (Drs. Richard Simman, Naz Wahab, and Chris Winters)
  • Open Forum – no further discussion


  • Happy Holidays!!!!!

Next Symposium Planning Meeting-January 3, 2023, 7pm EST

Next EC meeting-January 17, 2023, 7pm EST

Q1 BOD meeting-February 28, 2023, 7pm EST

15 September 2022 @ 7:00pm EST



September 15, 2022

7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

Organogenesis Presentation-Dr. Mrdjenovich



  • Karen Brown

  • Kimberly Ferguson

  • Lonnie Lassiter

  • Kelly McFee

  • Christine Miller

  • Don Mrdjenovich

  • Richard Simman

  • Kim Smith

  • Naz Wahab

7:03 pm EST called to order: Christine Miller

• Opening Remarks/ Welcome-Dr. Christine Miller – Christine Miller

  • Gratitude expressed for all the hard work by Lisa, Amelia, Kimberly Ferguson, the BOD, and speakers & moderators regarding Symposium 2022

Other Orders of Business

      • Education Chair Report- Dr. Richard Simman 
      • Simman reviewed our goals to expand our Round Table program and submit more articles to the Journal of Wound Care


      • Treasurer Report-Kim Smith/Kimberly Ferguson
      • Total assets: $81,117.00
      • 4 sponsors/exhibitors for 2022 (Abbott, Organogenesis, Bioventus, and ETS Wound Care)


      • Membership Chair Report – Dr. Lonnie Lassiter/Kimberly Ferguson
      • Membership has grown since last year particularly in student membership
      • Recent updates are 9 new Fellows & 4 students
      • Lassiter has plans to expand membership over the next year


      • Media Chair Report- Dr. Jean Archer, Amelia McCracken, Lisa Solvason
      • Archer updated that there were over 115 attendees registered
      • All speakers & moderators’ videos were edited and uploaded to Whova
    • Open Forum- Symposium 2023 will be held September 8th & 9th at the Francis Marion Hotel, in Charleston, SC with a virtual option still available through Whova

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 EDT

 Dr. Don Mrdjenovich was introduced as the Program Presenter for Organogenesis

23 August 2022 @ 7:00pm EST


  • Christine Miller
  • Kelly McFee
  • Karen Brown
  • Kimberly Ferguson
  • Kim Smith
  • Richard Simman
  • Lonnie Lassiter
  • Naz Wahab
  • Jean Archer Colella
  • Tracy Winkley

7:00 pm EST called to order: Christine Miller

Review of Minutes & Old Business – Christine Miller

  • Review/approve minutes from May 2022 Meeting. – approved as written

Other Orders of Business

  • Chair Updates-Christine Miller
      • APWCA Conference Discussion: September 20-21st 2023 in Philadelphia (Kelly McFee); Kelly is on the Planning committee and gives this update on their scheduled meeting for next year which would conflict with our symposium which we had planned for 9/15-16/23 in Charleston- discussion about moving our symposium to an earlier date in September – will check with hotel re: dates available and rates; also discussed collaborating on a meeting in 2023-24 – either with that group or another like AVLS (American Vein and Lymphatic Society) they have a meeting in Miami in 9/23; could “piggyback” before or after their meeting.
      • 2023 BOD Election Results (Karen Brown) – Christine Miller, Jihad Abbas, MD, Wendy Cole, DPM, and Wade Farrow, MD elected; 330 active members, 81 voted; Karen will invite them to the November meeting to observe without voting privileges.

Meeting adjourned at 7:46 EDT

24 May 2022 @ 7:00pm EST


  • Christine Miller

  • Kelly McFee

  • Karen Brown

  • Lonnie Lasiter

  • Jean Archer

  • Richard Simman

  • Kimberly Ferguson

  • Tracy Winkley

7:00 pm EST called to order: Christine Miller

Review of Minutes & Old Business – Christine Miller

  • Review/approve minutes from February 2022 Meeting. – approved as written

Other Orders of Business

    • Chair Updates-Christine Miller
    • KOL representatives (2) from ACCWS – Kelly to remain, Richard agrees to serve
    • D&O insurance policies (Kimberly Ferguson) – Kimberly previously sent out summaries of two companies/policies, recommends Founder Shield policy, seems more professional; will get legal team to review as well
    • Vtail update (Kelly McFee) – College joined at no charge – will allow us some another platform for advertisement for college as well as symposium
    • Call for BOD nominations (Karen Brown) – nominations due at end of month, only one received so far; reiterated interest in keeping the board comprised of multiple disciplines


    • Treasurer Report-Kim Smith/Kimberly Ferguson – Asset balance listed at $87027.52


    • Membership Chair Report – Lonnie Lassiter/Kimberly Ferguson – 4 new members, 32 renewals, 2 student members


    • Media Chair Report-Jean Archer Colella, Amelia McCracken, Lisa Solvason
    • Round Table, newsletter, social media, Symposium advertising – blasts ongoing for symposium, newsletter due out soon will also feature the symposium; Round Table recap – last one poorly attended, will look at time frame, options for topics/speakers, get speakers with following in place; next one will be early 2023 – so more discussion in Fall.

     Next Symposium Planning Meeting-June 7, 2022, 7pm EDT

    Next EC meeting-June 21, 2022, 7pm EDT

    Next BOD meeting-August 23, 2022, 7pm EDT

Meeting adjourned at 7:36 EDT

22 February 2022 @ 7:00pm EST


  • Christine Miller

  • Karen Brown

  • Kelly McFee

  • Kimberly Ferguson

  • Kimberly Smith

  • Jean Archer

  • Tracy Winkley

  • Richard Simman

7:00 pm EST called to order: Christine Miller

  • Review/approve minutes from November 2021 Meeting – approved as written.


  • Chair Updates-Christine Miller
  • Collaboration with AWPCA & LEAP Alliance – purpose of these alliances is to be able to provide education per our focus, compete with larger groups like HMP, WoundCon, etc.; Karen, Christina and Richard talked with Dr. Niezgoda and multiple groups’ representatives will meet on 2/27 to discuss furthering the loose collaboration.

Kelly and Christine met with Larry Reuben of LEAP last week; they are a non-profit with focus of community outreach for diabetic foot screening, models used in Vegas and GA, currently partner with Lions clubs in community; we can learn their model and implement in community; not a merger, no mingling of funds, so no risk for us; there is offer to have workshops with conferences, education for clinicians, possible symposium collaboration;

  • PT certification added to ACCWS website in accordance with Bylaws
  • Vtail update (Kelly McFee) mtg during Wound Week; 30 downloads so far, received a check for $550


  • Treasurer Report-Kim Smith – copy of financials sent to BOD, WHOVA and advertising are biggest expenses, memberships largest income


  • Education Chair Report-Richard Simman – Encouraged to be involved with Journal, submit papers; logo on Wound Central; all speakers for Symposium confirmed except Pain Management; agreed to pay $500 to speakers


  • Membership Chair Report – Kimberly Ferguson – Renewals avg. 20-30/month, current active members tracked; Amelia working on map that shows member locations and discussed possibly reviving regional directors
  • Student membership growth – 50 new students (these are free memberships); they have expressed interest in College merchandise and EC discussed getting pins again and K. Ferguson is getting samples for review


  • Media Chair Report-Jean Colella,
  • Round Table, newsletter, social media, Symposium advertising – push to market to students; brochures sent to printer, marketing for April Round Table will be out soon; March newsletter will highlight international member, symposium, Round Tables, etc.


  • Other:
  • Symposium – code for early bird ready for registration to open this week.

2023 Sites Christine is viewing 2 venues in Tampa in 2 weeks, will update after; no response from Nashville venues per K. Ferguson

Collaboration – Karen Brown informed group that there is a possibility of collaboration with medical community in Guatemala on diabetic wounds through a connection with a PTA medical missionary – will update as more info gathered


Meeting adjourned at 6:27 CST


Next Symposium Planning Meeting-March 1, 2022, 7pm EST

Next EC meeting-March 15/2022, 7pm EST

Next BOD meeting May 24, 2022, 7pm EST

 Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.


16 September 2021 @ 7:00pm EST


  • Karen Brown
  • Christine Miller
  • Jean Archer-Colella
  • Kimberly Smith
  • Kelly McFee
  • Naz Wahab
  • Kimberly Ferguson
  • Don Mrdjenovich

7:01 pm EST called to order: Karen Brown

Review of Minutes & Old Business – Karen Brown

  • Reviewed old minutes from August – no edits required

Other Orders of Business

  • Final Symposium Update – Registration
  • Panel Discussion – remember to have discussion points, not simply questions. All questions should be typed into chat box to be immediately answered by the Speakers during their presentation.
    • Panel Discussions are worthy of credits – whova app has the capability to ask speakers directly. So, we would like the moderators to come up with some objectives for the 3 talks and relate them together. The panel discussions are only 15 minutes.
    • Please remind to complete survey and visit the booths. 
    • For the panelists – make your answers short and sweet. Don suggests sending out talking points to the speakers prior to that the panelists can prepare short answers in advance
  • Set date for 2022 Symposium – voted and accepted September 9th and 10th – virtual vs. hybrid vs. live still to be discussed – the membership voted on Nashville, TN for live.
  • Potential Wound Journal Collaboration – Richard Simman
    • Richard has been working for over a year to find a journal option for over a year and has put together the following proposal – The Journal of Wound Care, based in the UK, part of a larger umbrella of 40,000 readers. This is an international journal. Richard met with their executives and editor in chief and the journal has sent a 2-page proposal for our review. The Journal of Wound Care charges quite a bit, Richard was able to get a 35% discount for the online journal and a 25% discount for hardcopy. Jean asked if it was possible for the members to have a copy of the journal to review it as we are reviewing the proposal. Karen will forward the proposal to the BOD for review.

  • Next Quarterly BOD Mtg – Nov 23rd at 7:00 p.m. est 

Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.

Adjourned: 7:25pm to allow for Organogenesis Presentation.

24 August 2021 @ 7:00pm EST


  • Karen Brown
  • Christine Miller
  • Chris Winters (late)
  • Kim Smith
  • Kelly McFee
  • Norman McCulloch
  • Jean Archer-Colella
  • Naz Wahab
  • Richard Simman
  • Kimberly Ferguson (late)
  • Amelia McCracken

7:01 pm EST called to order: Karen Brown

Review of Minutes & Old Business – Karen Brown

  • Reviewed old minutes from November – no edits required

Old Business – Karen Brown

  • Trademark registration – The EC voted to move forward with Kimberly Ferguson’s contact for trademarking given the opportunity for monitoring. Will cost approximately $1900. We will get this started by 9/24/21.
  • 2022 Symposium Live meeting? Discuss Survey results:
    • Which live location did attendees most want to attend? Majority responded in favor of Nashville, TN – 65%
    • About 15% said Indianapolis
    • Even fewer indicated that they wound not attend.
    • If we are going to have a live symposium in 2022 we would need to be working on this right now and we aren’t. Perhaps we should shoot for 2023 and plan for a mixed symposium?
    • Could continue to use WHOVA for a mixed format for 2023.
    • Could also consider choosing a location based on the location of the majority of members.

Chair Report – Karen Brown

  • Annual BOD Nomnations:
    • Reminder that Barry Creighton is moving off the board at the end of term (December 31, 2021), and we will be voting for his replacement & Dr. McCulloch’s position (Dr. McCulloch will run again). Dr. McCulloch is finishing the term for Mikhail Novikov whose terms expires December 31, 2021. Dr. McCulloch will run as an incumbent.

Treasurer Report – Kim Smith

  • Total Income – $2,544
  • Total Expenses – $1,589
  • Total Assets YTD = $76,566

Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

  • Richard has spoken with Thomas Serena about collaborating on a wound care journal. Estimated cost to start a new journal would be $30,000 to $50,000.
  • The Journal of Wound Care could be a possibility for collaboration – Richard is expecting them to ask for numbers of active members to see if this would be mutually beneficial to both the journal and ACCWS.
  • Naz asked how the journal makes money – Richard indicated that they make money from membership and advertisements. Publications with the journal would be indexed with NIH.
  • Potential for collaboration with Jobst for a big symposium next year that would be independent of our annual symposium (and different from the Promedica symposium).
  • Wound Week 2022 in Philedelphia. College is not collaborating on this effort.

B2B Chair – n/a

  • Still waiting to select a new chair to replace Mikhail.

CME Application – Naz Wahab

  • University of Nevada rejected 2 presentations due to conflict of interest statements that had been submitted as saying they had financial conflicts of interest.
  • We were awarded 14.5 CME hours for the symposium.
  • Goldfarb awarded 14.5 CPME hours for the symposium.

Membership Chair Report – Barry Creighton

  • Barry was not in attendance. Kimberly Ferguson shared on his behalf.
  • Last quarter – 48 renewals, couple new members in August.
  • We gained a new member in Ghana due to the FB/LinkedIn marketing.
  • We breifly discussed denoting international members with an “i”

 Media Chair Report – Jean Archer-Collela

  • Newsletter update, website update, social media sites.
  • Friend25 – 25% discount code to share with friends for a discount for the symposium. We also have offered the symposium free to students. We have also offered free membership for non-members.
  • All of our numbers are up on social media – LinkedIn is up by over 5,000%.
    • We are getting more likes and engagements
    • More ads running – this is helping our social media numbers
  • This time last year we only had 11 registrants. Right now we have 55.
  • Newsletter going out tomorrow – wanting to include when the board members will be nominated. New Term will start January, 2022.

    Other Orders of Business

    • WHOVA Registration – Kimberly Ferguson. How many registrants? 55 total. Kimberly received our promotional gifts in the mail and will work on getting these sent out along with the speaker gifts.
    • Potential collaboration with similar wound organizations-Christine Miller. ACFAS discovery meeting – met with PJ Andres and their President-elect Christine lectures for this organization. They have a large annual symposium and have about 4,000 members – they will be offering wound care in the future.
    • They seemed interested, so we have invited their president and education chair to attend the symposium to see what we can offer.
    • vTail – Kelly McFee. We have been approached by vTail to help promote their wound care application. In return for promoting the app, we would be compensated $25 per member download. Richard suggested that we have any potential contract reviewed by legal counsel.
    • Norman McCulloch has been working on increasing our membership through the hyperbaric community. Dr. McCulloch studied under Dr. Marvin Heyboer, who used to be a member.
      • UHMS and ACHM – Dr. Heyboer is a member of UHMS and is exploring a potential collaboration. There was also a discussion of collaborating with students/residents.
      • Dr. McCulloch is planning to integrate, through his wound center, the Internal Medicine and Family Practice students into a rotation through the wound center. Membership in training and transition membership once in their professional career. Students will be offered “student membership with the college.”
    • Next Symposium Planning Meeting August 31 at 7:00 p.m. est
    • Next EC meeting September 14 or 21 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern- will discuss date due to 14th is just before Symposium.
    • Next Quarterly BOD Mtg – September 16 at 6:30 p.m. est (abbreviated)

    Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.

    Adjourned: 8:09 pm EDT.

    25 May 2021 @ 7:00pm EST


    • Karen Brown
    • Christine Miller
    • Kim Smith
    • Kelly McFee
    • Jean Archer-Colella
    • Norman McCulloch
    • Richard Simman
    • Naz Wahab
    • Kimberly Ferguson
    • Amelia McCracken

    7:01 pm EST called to order: Karen Brown

    Review of Minutes & Old Business – Karen Brown

    • Reviewed old minutes from November – no edits required

    Old Business – Karen Brown

    • Welcome Dr. Norman McCulloch who will finish Mikhail’s term.

    Chair Report – Karen Brown

    • Symposium update, Bylaws update, Potential collaboration with similar wound organizations.
    • Karen – update on symposium vendors – Abbott committed to $1500, Apria committed and will reach out to Medela. We have 12 vendors and we have filled our Premier slot. Medline is still determining which level they want to sponsor at, Swift is also deciding. We have not heard back from Molnlycke.
    • Karen – potential collaboration with other wound organizations – we have declined to join AAWC, APWCA, etc. to join in a mutual conference in February, 2022. However, we are open to collaborating with other like-minded organizations in the future (Hyperbarics, podiatry, other wound organizations). There are about 5 different vascular organizations that exist that we could explore teaming up with.

    Treasurer Report – Kim Smith

    • Please see the treasury report that was sent.
    • Total Assets YTD = $73,946.11

    Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

    • Richard recommends that we start thinking about planning our next live symposium.
    • We could pick an established wound care journal for the College to support.
    • We could plan to poll the membership to see where they would prefer to meet for a live symposium in 2022. Nashville was popular the last time the membership was polled.
    • Amelia suggested a monthly “mini newsletter” that could be pushed out at the beginning of the months that we don’t send out the quarterly newsletter. This could feature the membership poll for symposium location for 2022, important updates, and an archived journal article.
    • Richard is willing to pursue speaking with the team at the Journal of Wound Care to see what would be required of us to partner with them – the BOD agrees with this.
    • Round table submissions are members-only, but attendance should be for everyone. Request for submissions will go out in the next mini newsletter.

    B2B Chair – Mikhail Novikov

    • Need to choose a replacement for Mikhail.

    CME Application – Naz Wahab

    • CME form for symposium – Kimberly has received 5-6 of those back so far. Recommended to upload the powerpoint as a pdf file or note that it is being sent separately in an email.

    Membership Chair Report – Barry Creighton

    • PT membership drive
    • Rose Hamm, PT, former board member – located in CA – APTA has started a wound program and will have their first boards next year. Rose has been active in writing the test questions for this board exam that will take place in February.
    • Penny Campbell in TN – East meets West series – discuss similarities/differences among practice in the different venues in hopes of drawing some PT students.
    • PT school in Texas – meeting 5/26/2021 – to discuss potential collabs
    • Richard suggested tapping into NLN – this had been explored several years ago.

     Media Chair Report – Jean Archer-Collela

    • Newsletter update, website update.
    • Upcoming newsletter blasts – July
    • January 5th, 2022 newsletter will recap the year
    • Deadlines for articles for next year shared.
    • Quarterly round table – last Thursday of the month, 7pm EST – First round table has been completed
      Next in July (Chris), then October (Jennifer) – no moderator yet for the last round table of the year.
    • Symposium in September – No responses for member satisfaction surveys – could we push this on social media instead of just the newsletter?
      • Could we offer an incentive – membership discount for the first 100 members that complete the survey.
      • Could incorporate SWAG for incentive for surveys. The design is in process so that we can order the wine tumbler for symposium registrants.
      • We could order 100 for the symposium and 100 for surveys.
      • Voted on and passed

      Other Orders of Business

      • Goldfarb/WHOVA Registration -Kimberly Ferguson – bank account has been verified. The program has been published and Kimberly and Amelia can work together to get this live on the website for registration this week.
      • Amelia has several announcements/graphics cued up for social media bla
      • ACCWS” Trademark registration-Barry Creighton – there is a LinkedIn group under the ACCWS name – Barry has reached out to LinkedIn to see if this group can be taken down. This will require that we trademark “ACCWS”. We currently have a trademark for the Logo. Barry’s friend quoted approximately $600 to get this. Richard suggested that we reach out to our attorney to inquire about of current trademarks, as we may already hold one. Karen will contact him to discuss.
      • Round Table coming up in July – Chris is hosting this
      • Next Symposium Planning Meeting June 1 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern
      • Next EC meeting June 15 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern
      • Next Quarterly BOD mtg – August 24 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern

      Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.

      Adjourned: 7:56 pm EST.

      23 February 2021 @ 7:00pm EST


      • Karen Brown
      • Jean Archer-Colella
      • Barry Creighton
      • Kimberly Ferguson
      • Kim Smith
      • Kelly McFee
      • Christine Miller
      • Mikhail Novikov
      • Richard Simman
      • Naz Wahab
      • Amelia McCracken
      • Chris Winters

      7:05pm EST called to order: Christine Miller

      Review of Minutes & Old Business – Christine Miller

      • Reviewed old minutes from November – no edits required

      Old Business – Christine Miller

      • The three new board members (Kim, Jean, Kelly) have voting privileges as of January.

      Chair Report – Karen Brown

      • 18 invites for different vendors have been sent out for the Symposium
      • 3M/KCI has expressed interest in becoming a premium member. Meeting set up to discuss this next week.
      • Verbal commitment from all participants from last year.
      • Needing a contact from Molnlycke
      • Bylaws update finished in December – Kimberly sent this to the lawyer for review. Kimberly will give us an update on this.
      • WoundCon March 12th, 2021 – we will have a free booth like we had last year. We get to advertise in a virtual booth that we don’t have to man.
      • We will have Amelia advertise on our medial accounts that Richard will be speaking at WoundCon.

      Treasurer Report – Kim Smith

      • January total income – $5,079.29 and total expenses – $676.87
      • Net Operating Income – $4,402.42
      • Total Assets YTD = $64,010.42

      Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

      • We have a finalized symposium agenda.
      • Speakers and moderators lined up for both days.
      • Do we have the contact information for all of the speakers – CME info/COIs.
      • We are using the Whova platform again.

      B2B Chair – Mikhail Novikov

      • Agenda and speakers lined up for B2B

      CME Application – Naz Wahab

      • We are wanting to apply for the symposium and B2B to be available all year on the self-study tract.
      • Naz needs 2 volunteers to assist with this – we have to identify objectives for each topic/session. Should be 2-3 hours of work per person. Richard and Christine have volunteered to assist.
      • Don and Karen are going to be working with Goldfarb.

      Membership Chair Report – Barry Creighton

      • Barry and Jean will work together with membership/media
      • May tap some non-board assistance from Deanna Vargo, previous Membership Chair.

       Media Chair Report – Jean Archer-Collela

      • Newsletter update:
        • New or existing articles for publication
        • Research, case reports, tips and pearls, letters to the editor, editorial commentary blog
        • Author’s guidelines have been shared with the membership
        • Guidelines reviewed
        • Can we create a template/examples for article submission that can be posted on the website?
        • We will feature a bio and photo of authors
        • When an article is submitted “submit final article” the submission will be sent to Amelia or Jean who will then issue blinded copies to reviewers
        • We can issue a call for reviewers from multiple disciplines
        • We do have a question – if a board member wants to submit a new paper, they should not review their own paper
        • We do have articles that have been submitted
        • We need to have some discussion regarding a peer-reviewed process – multidisciplinary, board vs. non-board
        • Do we have some non-board members to tap – Penny Campbell, PT
      • Website update:
        • Save the Date for the Symposium
        • WoundCon Advertising
        • Corrections for new Board members
        • Remove the Journal section
        • Overall update
        • Marketing campaign – what can we do to improve this? Videos, interactive components, etc.
        • Updated letter from the Chair – quarterly
        • Quarterly Round table discussions – we will need to engage the membership, submit challenging cases that they have encountered in their practice, if no submissions, we can review some of our own. Have 4-5 cases prepared for each round table discussion. We will want to send out invites for these. Can we start by sending out an email from the College inviting the membership to submit challenging cases to review? Richard and Chris have offered to help organize this. We can promote the case studies/grand rounds on the website and in the newsletter. Can we shoot for second week of April? Members can present their cases live or we can present the cases on their behalf.
      • Jean, Barry and Amelia to meet to set up framework for Marketing

        Other Orders of Business

        • Updated BOD contact list was circulated earlier this year
        • Quarterly BOD mtg plan to be second month of each qtr. On the 4th Tuesday.
        • Next Symposium planning meeting March 2 at 7:00PM EST – First Tuesday of the month. Meet in May and July.
        • Next EC Meeting March 16 at 7:00PM EDT

        We can out reminders 1 week prior to meeting dates – Kelly will send these out.

        Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.

        Adjourned: 8:07 pm EST.

        3 November 2020 @ 7:00p EST


        • Karen Brown
        • Jean Archer-Colella
        • Barry Creighton
        • Kimberly Ferguson
        • Kelly McFee
        • Christine Miller
        • Mikhail Novikov
        • Monica Progar
        • Richard Simman
        • Naz Wahab

        7:05pm EST called to order by Karen Brown.

        Welcome New Board Members – Introduction of Jean Archer-Colella & Kelly McFee.

        Review of Minutes & Old Business

        • Reviewed old minutes from September – no edits required. 

        Chair Report – Karen Brown

        • Need to update Bylaws – Karen, Christine & Naz will perform the review with a dealing of 12/31/20.
        • Nomination needed for Chair Elect.

        Membership Chair Report – Karen Brown

        • Jesse Cantu outgoing Chair is unable to attend many meetings.
        • Barry Creighton has been helping with membership along with his Media Chair duties.
        • The symposium generated 180 new inquiries into membership.
        • Amelia is sending out an emails to potential members and based upon their interest/response, Board members will be assigned to reach out on a personal level. The matching of potential members will be by sepciality when possible. RNs outnumber MDs and DPMs.
        • The membership meeting with be held & recorded through Zoom this Thursday (11/5/20 @ 7:30pm EST).

        Treasurer Report – Monica Progar

        • October total income – $7,187.21 and total expenses – $1,948.18.
        • January thru October total income – $26,976.29 and total expenses – $16,912.97.
        • Total Assets YTD = $58,329.35.

        Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

        • There is still interest in finding another journal, but cost is an issue ($20,000 per year). In the meantime, perhaps case study webinars can be performed to engage membership.

        B2B Chair Report – Mikhail Novikov

        • Program ran very successfully at the symposium and the college is pending a contract with a physician practice for a 1-year course access at the cost of $1,999.

        Media Chair Report  – Barry Creighton

        • Amelia has signed a 1-year contract to manage the website, advertising and IT functions for the ACCCWS (she did an amazing job with the symposium this year). 
        • Barry gave a breakdown of data regarding symposium attendee feedback – most felt the symposium offered a good review of wound healing, the Whova platform and the new techniques. Topics were well received.
        • Some recommendations to improve next year include more breakout sessions / “hands-on” events, more lymphedema, NPWT, HBOT, longer time frame for CMEs, and atypical wounds.
        • Proposed a Quarterly ACCWS newsletter with case studies to engage the membership.

        Membership Survey Results – Kimberly Ferguson

        • A four-question survey was sent out to the entire membership and there were 45 responses received.
        • Most are somewhat interested in a “Round Table” discussion regarding current wound care topics.
        • Majority would like a bi-annual membership meeting.
        • Majority interested in a quarterly newsletter.
        • The most common positive aspects of ACCWS membership include CME opportunities, collaboration, and best practice guidelines.
        • Suggestion was made to add a map function on the website so the ACCWS members can be located by patients and employers who are interested in their expertise (more to come on this topic). 

        Open Positions – Karen Brown

        • At the end of the year, the following positions will need to be filled: Treasurer, Membership Chair, Media Chair, & Bylaws Chair (Christine has agreed to take on this role). 
        • ACCWS has a booth at Fall WoundCon which will be held on 11/11/2020.

        Symposium Planning Meeting Tuesday 11/17 @ 7pm EST.

        Adjourned: 7:52pm EST.

        10 September 2020 @ 6:30p EDT


        • Karen Brown
        • Jesse Cantu
        • Kimberly Ferguson
        • Christine Miller
        • Mikhail Novikov
        • Monica Progar
        • Richard Simman
        • Naz Wahab
        • Chris Winters

        6:30pm EDT called to order by Karen.

        Review of Minutes & Old Business

        • Reviewed old minutes from June meeting-no edits required
        • Chris was able to obtain $4,000 refund from the Sheraton

        Chair Report – Karen Brown

        • During the symposium, we will need the board members to help man the ACCWS booth periodically.
        • For next years symposium, proposed date September 18th & 19th 2021 (more discussion to follow)

        Membership Chair Report – Jesse Cantu

        • Attendance for the ACCWS symposium has exceeded expectations (cap) is now 500+

        Treasurer Report – Monica Progar

        • Reviewed financial statements
        • $150 check pending from former Chair (US Bank account)

        Nominating Committee Chair Report – Chris Winters

        • Voting is open until 9/16, currently 172 members have voted out of the total 238

        Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

        • Still waiting to hear from Elsevier regarding ACCWS members being able to scan for access to previously published journal articles (JACCWS).

        Media Chair Report – Barry Creighton

        • Kudos given to both Kimberly & Amelia for all of their hard work!! They have been amazing!


        • Lara from Goldfarb will email all speakers to gain their permission to post the symposium presentation on the ACCWS until the end of December 2020.

        Adjourned: 6:56 pm EDT.

        30 June 2020 @ 7p EDT


        • Karen Brown
        • Kimberly Ferguson
        • Christine Miller
        • Mikhail Novikov
        • Monica Progar
        • Richard Simman
        • Naz Wahab
        • Chris Winters

        7:04pm EDT called to order by Karen.

        Old Business

        • Reviewed old minutes from March meeting
        • Still pending receipt of hotel refund (Sheraton)

        Chair Report – Karen Brown

        • Invited to host a virtual booth for summer WoundCon (Friday 7/17), we will need to divide up the time between our board members (possibly 30-minute increments each to cover the day). This will be through On24 virtual platform.

        Treasurer Report – Monica Progar

        • Current balance is around $41,000 this includes the $10,000 from Medline.

        Nominating Committee Chair Report – Chris Winters

        • Presently, there are 6 applicants (4 MDs, 1 DPM, 1 RN)- nomination deadline is 7/31/20
        • Will need to fill 4 positions to have the full complement of 10 board members.

        Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

        • Post Symposium- focus on putting educational material/testimonials on our website to make it more dynamic.
        • The loss of ACCWS journal was an unfortunate but still has visibility online. To resurrect the journal, we will need member & board commitment to contributing articles.

        CME Nevada Issue – Naz Wahab & Karen Brown

        • Nevada will only grant 8 CEs for the 2-day symposium.
        • Suggested that breaks can be reduced in the virtual format, along with making the lectures 1 hour long.
        • Naz will see if these modifications will help increase the CME level as Goldfarb is awarding 13 CEs.

         Whova Virtual Platform – Kimberly Ferguson

        • The Executive Committee reviewed different platforms and selected Whova for its versatility and price.
        • The presentations can be pre-recorded, with live Q&A/panel discussions
        • There are centers for sponsors & exhibitors with chat rooms available
        • It can be customized with our brand
        • Attendee analytics can be tracked
        • Attendees can directly contact speakers & vendors
        • The cost is $1,399 for up 500 attendees
        • Our content will be stored separately (either our website or youtube)
        • Amelia will be in contact about the recording process for the speakers.


        • Naz introduced the of possibility of the ACCWS joining with the AWC, more to come on  this proposition.

        Adjourned: 8:03  pm EDT.

        31 March 2020 @ 7p EST


        • Karen Brown
        • Barry Creighton
        • Kimberly Ferguson
        • Christine Miller
        • Mikhail Novikov
        • Monica Progar
        • Richard Simman
        • Naz Wahab
        • Chris Winters


        • Jesse Cantu

        7:05pm EST called to order by Karen.

        Old Business/Welcome

        • Minutes from the previous meeting in October 2019, not available at this time for discussion
        • New board member, Christine Miller, will fill the vacant role of Secretary
        • Welcome back, Mikhail Novikov, who will fill Penny’s Chair position until 2021.
        • Chair-Elect & Bylaws Chair
          • There are open positions for the Chair-Elect and Bylaws Chair positions due to recent departures.
          • Board members are asked to think of motivated college fellows that may be a good fit for these positions.
          • Ideally, a new Bylaws Chair is needed by the end of April
          • The suggestion was made to see if Don Mrdjenovich would consider filling this vacancy due to his vast experience with the college.

        Symposium Updates

        • Consensus was reached to not include a COVID-19 disclaimer in the symposium brochures & promotional materials
        • The uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 spurred a lively discussion regarding having a plan B, in case this crisis is not resolved by September.
        • A “back out” date if needed, to minimize the college’s financial loss has yet to be determined. Karen has been in contact with the hotel/conference site (Glenda) and will clarify this date later. We still owe between $10,000-$15,000.
        • Barry has looked into the Hub, a virtual learning platform, as an alternative option. This platform has the capacity to provide lectures, surveys, and vendor exhibit interactions. The hub conference app is around $1600 and a customized ACCWS app would run around $2000.
        • Richard suggested looking into conference/event insurance -Karen will check with Glenda regarding this matter.
        • Karen will also see if a cheaper deal can be reached with the conference site regarding the current $72 per person/day rate.
        • The brochure appearance was discussed, it was agreed upon that removing the learning objectives for each topic will make it more streamlined and less busy.
        • CME sponsorship for the symposium is a costly & labor-intensive process: status is still undetermined.
        • Chris will check on podiatric CME & Naz will investigate the allopathic CME, and Karen is addressing the nursing CE.
        • Physical Therapists will need to secure their
          own credits Ment Contract Review
        • A unanimous vote was achieved in favor of accepting Amelia’s contract as a matter of good record keeping. She has been very dedicated and generous to the ACCWS.


        • There are 400 members of the ACCWS with only 250 being active
        • There are 3 open board positions, still to be determined if the positions should be filled now or at the normal cycle.
        • The loss of ACCWS journal was an unfortunate event, due to the lack of scholarly submissions. A consensus was reached to “crawl before we walk” and begin collecting article submissions for publication on our website (though not
          indexed works) as a beginning step. The end goal is to reach the academic level that we previously held.

        Adjourned: 8:15 pm EST.

        13 June 2019 @ 4:30p EST


        • Monica Progar-Treasurer
        • Kimberly Ferguson- Accountant
        • Karen Brown- Chair Elect
        • Christopher Winters- Chairman

        Meeting called to order by Chris.

        Social Media

        Barry has access to Twitter and Linked in. Barry not comfortable to create facebook page.

        Kim will be person to work with our social media along with Don and have admin privileges.

        Other Business

        Karen will check if there is any conflict for dates on the symposium with WOCN mid-west regional meeting

        We will present the below to the Board on our call. Asking Penny to send this information out to the Board ASAP so they have it fresh in their mind for the call.

        • Planning to host symposium in 2020
        • Budget 15-20K
        • Looking at September 11th and 12th or 18th and 19th, 2020
        • Executive Board recommending Location – St. Louis MO
        • Preferred venue is the St. Charles Convention Center -waiting for Kim to receive response from them with availability.
        • Recommending a Block of 50 hotel rooms
        • Looking to have approximately 200 people.
        • Need a board member to volunteer as chairperson
        • Assign subcommittee chairs
          • § Registration
          • § Venue management (Kimberly)
          • § Speakers
          • § Vendors
          • § CME/CEs (Barry?)
        • Kimberly to get us a list of members who live in the area who can assist on site with registration
        • Friday Symposium (all day) with Saturday offering Back to Basics.

        Meeting adjourned.

        29 November 2018 @ 6:00p EST


        • Penny Campbell
        • Kimberly Ferguson
        • Monica Timko-Progar
        • Naz Wahab
        • Barry Creighton
        • Don Mrdjenovich
        • Richard Simman
        • Daniel LeGrande
        • Mikhail Novikov

        Meeting called to order by Monica Timko-Progar at 6:05p.

        No Old Business To Discuss.

        New Bank Account

        • PNC is ready when we are
        • Monica to go to her local PNC and set up the checking account under the American College of Clinical Wound Specialists. Monica will then add Karen Brown as a co-owner of the account and Kimberly Ferguson as an authorized signer
        • Karen Brown has agreed to fill the responsibility of setting up a credit card and merchant account under the College’s name and act as a guarantor
        • Guarantor is easily transferred when needed
        • The board has agreed to set up these accounts listed above under the American College of Clinical Wound Specialists Inc. with PNC

        New Member Update – Facebook Page

        • New board member Monday
        • All board members to be featured on FB page
        • Barry Creighton is the first feature
        • If you have not turned in your bio to Kimberly yet, please do so asap.

        Website Update – Kimberly Ferguson

        • Kimberly reformatted the first page and moved the donation request to the bottom of the page as requested
        • Added the Pressure Ulcer Summit announcement to webiste

        Membership Update – Kimberly Ferguson

        • ~200 active members
        • 250 members still working on renewals

        Financials – Monica Timko-Progar

        • $18,239 in the bank
        • Board agreed to increase the payment to McNamee to $1,000 per month from $500. Balance due is $8,300.


        • We have a separate call for this with it’s own set of meeting notes
        • Everyone sent meeting minutes
        • Next Symposium call is set for December 13th. Invitation sent out on 11/29/18
        • CareRite corporate planners to join our call on the 13th, if possible. They will determine if CareRite will be a partner. In doing so, it will not cost us anything for the planning assistance. If not, they will assit us with direction in finding a conference planner.

        Toledo Meeting

        • Karen Brown and Chris Winters assigned to join the planning call for the upcoming Toledo Conference
        • Promedica has decided to use local people since they lost $2k on the meeting last year. No speakers from the College Board this year.
        • The College will be visible in the marketing and educational materials and get a free booth for membership promotion
        • The College will get all proceeds from the Back to Basics course on Day 2
        • Slides for the B2B course need to be updated. Karen, Barry, Penny, Mikhail and Don have agreed to update the slide decks. Work to begin in January 2019.

        Other Business

        • Don – Committee Chairs need to be re-ratified or re-assigned at the beginning of 2019
          • Executive Committee needs to be re-assigned or continuation of current committee members at the beginning of 2019
          • Committee Chair assigned by New Chair – Karen Brown
          • Needs to be put on the agenda under New Business for January meeting
        • Richard – Relationship with Elsevier will be over with the last Journal publication in December
          • We are looking for a new publisher.
          • 3 opportunities for future:
            • EPlasty – online journal, receptive to having us publish in a section of their journal
            • Annals of Plastic Surgery
            • AAWC has split with HMP
              • may want to collaborate
              • they lost the journal Wounds
              • looking for a new journal opportunity
          • Put on the agenda for next meeting to allow more time to discuss
        • Symposium Meeting planned for December 13th

        Meeting adjourned at 7:12p EST.

        24 May 2022 @ 7:00pm EST


        • Christine Miller

        • Kelly McFee

        • Karen Brown

        • Lonnie Lasiter

        • Jean Archer

        • Richard Simman

        • Kimberly Ferguson

        • Tracy Winkley

        7:00 pm EST called to order: Christine Miller

        Review of Minutes & Old Business – Christine Miller

        • Review/approve minutes from February 2022 Meeting. – approved as written

        Other Orders of Business

          • Chair Updates-Christine Miller
          • KOL representatives (2) from ACCWS – Kelly to remain, Richard agrees to serve
          • D&O insurance policies (Kimberly Ferguson) – Kimberly previously sent out summaries of two companies/policies, recommends Founder Shield policy, seems more professional; will get legal team to review as well
          • Vtail update (Kelly McFee) – College joined at no charge – will allow us some another platform for advertisement for college as well as symposium
          • Call for BOD nominations (Karen Brown) – nominations due at end of month, only one received so far; reiterated interest in keeping the board comprised of multiple disciplines


          • Treasurer Report-Kim Smith/Kimberly Ferguson – Asset balance listed at $87027.52


          • Membership Chair Report – Lonnie Lassiter/Kimberly Ferguson – 4 new members, 32 renewals, 2 student members


          • Media Chair Report-Jean Archer Colella, Amelia McCracken, Lisa Solvason
          • Round Table, newsletter, social media, Symposium advertising – blasts ongoing for symposium, newsletter due out soon will also feature the symposium; Round Table recap – last one poorly attended, will look at time frame, options for topics/speakers, get speakers with following in place; next one will be early 2023 – so more discussion in Fall.

           Next Symposium Planning Meeting-June 7, 2022, 7pm EDT

          Next EC meeting-June 21, 2022, 7pm EDT

          Next BOD meeting-August 23, 2022, 7pm EDT

        Meeting adjourned at 7:36 EDT

        22 February 2022 @ 7:00pm EST


        • Christine Miller

        • Karen Brown

        • Kelly McFee

        • Kimberly Ferguson

        • Kimberly Smith

        • Jean Archer

        • Tracy Winkley

        • Richard Simman

        7:00 pm EST called to order: Christine Miller

        • Review/approve minutes from November 2021 Meeting – approved as written.


        • Chair Updates-Christine Miller
        • Collaboration with AWPCA & LEAP Alliance – purpose of these alliances is to be able to provide education per our focus, compete with larger groups like HMP, WoundCon, etc.; Karen, Christina and Richard talked with Dr. Niezgoda and multiple groups’ representatives will meet on 2/27 to discuss furthering the loose collaboration.

        Kelly and Christine met with Larry Reuben of LEAP last week; they are a non-profit with focus of community outreach for diabetic foot screening, models used in Vegas and GA, currently partner with Lions clubs in community; we can learn their model and implement in community; not a merger, no mingling of funds, so no risk for us; there is offer to have workshops with conferences, education for clinicians, possible symposium collaboration;

        • PT certification added to ACCWS website in accordance with Bylaws
        • Vtail update (Kelly McFee) mtg during Wound Week; 30 downloads so far, received a check for $550


        • Treasurer Report-Kim Smith – copy of financials sent to BOD, WHOVA and advertising are biggest expenses, memberships largest income


        • Education Chair Report-Richard Simman – Encouraged to be involved with Journal, submit papers; logo on Wound Central; all speakers for Symposium confirmed except Pain Management; agreed to pay $500 to speakers


        • Membership Chair Report – Kimberly Ferguson – Renewals avg. 20-30/month, current active members tracked; Amelia working on map that shows member locations and discussed possibly reviving regional directors
        • Student membership growth – 50 new students (these are free memberships); they have expressed interest in College merchandise and EC discussed getting pins again and K. Ferguson is getting samples for review


        • Media Chair Report-Jean Colella,
        • Round Table, newsletter, social media, Symposium advertising – push to market to students; brochures sent to printer, marketing for April Round Table will be out soon; March newsletter will highlight international member, symposium, Round Tables, etc.


        • Other:
        • Symposium – code for early bird ready for registration to open this week.

        2023 Sites Christine is viewing 2 venues in Tampa in 2 weeks, will update after; no response from Nashville venues per K. Ferguson

        Collaboration – Karen Brown informed group that there is a possibility of collaboration with medical community in Guatemala on diabetic wounds through a connection with a PTA medical missionary – will update as more info gathered


        Meeting adjourned at 6:27 CST


        Next Symposium Planning Meeting-March 1, 2022, 7pm EST

        Next EC meeting-March 15/2022, 7pm EST

        Next BOD meeting May 24, 2022, 7pm EST

         Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.


        16 September 2021 @ 7:00pm EST


        • Karen Brown
        • Christine Miller
        • Jean Archer-Colella
        • Kimberly Smith
        • Kelly McFee
        • Naz Wahab
        • Kimberly Ferguson
        • Don Mrdjenovich

        7:01 pm EST called to order: Karen Brown

        Review of Minutes & Old Business – Karen Brown

        • Reviewed old minutes from August – no edits required

        Other Orders of Business

        • Final Symposium Update – Registration
        • Panel Discussion – remember to have discussion points, not simply questions. All questions should be typed into chat box to be immediately answered by the Speakers during their presentation.
          • Panel Discussions are worthy of credits – whova app has the capability to ask speakers directly. So, we would like the moderators to come up with some objectives for the 3 talks and relate them together. The panel discussions are only 15 minutes.
          • Please remind to complete survey and visit the booths. 
          • For the panelists – make your answers short and sweet. Don suggests sending out talking points to the speakers prior to that the panelists can prepare short answers in advance
        • Set date for 2022 Symposium – voted and accepted September 9th and 10th – virtual vs. hybrid vs. live still to be discussed – the membership voted on Nashville, TN for live.
        • Potential Wound Journal Collaboration – Richard Simman
          • Richard has been working for over a year to find a journal option for over a year and has put together the following proposal – The Journal of Wound Care, based in the UK, part of a larger umbrella of 40,000 readers. This is an international journal. Richard met with their executives and editor in chief and the journal has sent a 2-page proposal for our review. The Journal of Wound Care charges quite a bit, Richard was able to get a 35% discount for the online journal and a 25% discount for hardcopy. Jean asked if it was possible for the members to have a copy of the journal to review it as we are reviewing the proposal. Karen will forward the proposal to the BOD for review.

        • Next Quarterly BOD Mtg – Nov 23rd at 7:00 p.m. est 

        Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.

        Adjourned: 7:25pm to allow for Organogenesis Presentation.

        24 August 2021 @ 7:00pm EST


        • Karen Brown
        • Christine Miller
        • Chris Winters (late)
        • Kim Smith
        • Kelly McFee
        • Norman McCulloch
        • Jean Archer-Colella
        • Naz Wahab
        • Richard Simman
        • Kimberly Ferguson (late)
        • Amelia McCracken

        7:01 pm EST called to order: Karen Brown

        Review of Minutes & Old Business – Karen Brown

        • Reviewed old minutes from November – no edits required

        Old Business – Karen Brown

        • Trademark registration – The EC voted to move forward with Kimberly Ferguson’s contact for trademarking given the opportunity for monitoring. Will cost approximately $1900. We will get this started by 9/24/21.
        • 2022 Symposium Live meeting? Discuss Survey results:
          • Which live location did attendees most want to attend? Majority responded in favor of Nashville, TN – 65%
          • About 15% said Indianapolis
          • Even fewer indicated that they wound not attend.
          • If we are going to have a live symposium in 2022 we would need to be working on this right now and we aren’t. Perhaps we should shoot for 2023 and plan for a mixed symposium?
          • Could continue to use WHOVA for a mixed format for 2023.
          • Could also consider choosing a location based on the location of the majority of members.

        Chair Report – Karen Brown

        • Annual BOD Nomnations:
          • Reminder that Barry Creighton is moving off the board at the end of term (December 31, 2021), and we will be voting for his replacement & Dr. McCulloch’s position (Dr. McCulloch will run again). Dr. McCulloch is finishing the term for Mikhail Novikov whose terms expires December 31, 2021. Dr. McCulloch will run as an incumbent.

        Treasurer Report – Kim Smith

        • Total Income – $2,544
        • Total Expenses – $1,589
        • Total Assets YTD = $76,566

        Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

        • Richard has spoken with Thomas Serena about collaborating on a wound care journal. Estimated cost to start a new journal would be $30,000 to $50,000.
        • The Journal of Wound Care could be a possibility for collaboration – Richard is expecting them to ask for numbers of active members to see if this would be mutually beneficial to both the journal and ACCWS.
        • Naz asked how the journal makes money – Richard indicated that they make money from membership and advertisements. Publications with the journal would be indexed with NIH.
        • Potential for collaboration with Jobst for a big symposium next year that would be independent of our annual symposium (and different from the Promedica symposium).
        • Wound Week 2022 in Philedelphia. College is not collaborating on this effort.

        B2B Chair – n/a

        • Still waiting to select a new chair to replace Mikhail.

        CME Application – Naz Wahab

        • University of Nevada rejected 2 presentations due to conflict of interest statements that had been submitted as saying they had financial conflicts of interest.
        • We were awarded 14.5 CME hours for the symposium.
        • Goldfarb awarded 14.5 CPME hours for the symposium.

        Membership Chair Report – Barry Creighton

        • Barry was not in attendance. Kimberly Ferguson shared on his behalf.
        • Last quarter – 48 renewals, couple new members in August.
        • We gained a new member in Ghana due to the FB/LinkedIn marketing.
        • We breifly discussed denoting international members with an “i”

         Media Chair Report – Jean Archer-Collela

        • Newsletter update, website update, social media sites.
        • Friend25 – 25% discount code to share with friends for a discount for the symposium. We also have offered the symposium free to students. We have also offered free membership for non-members.
        • All of our numbers are up on social media – LinkedIn is up by over 5,000%.
          • We are getting more likes and engagements
          • More ads running – this is helping our social media numbers
        • This time last year we only had 11 registrants. Right now we have 55.
        • Newsletter going out tomorrow – wanting to include when the board members will be nominated. New Term will start January, 2022.

          Other Orders of Business

          • WHOVA Registration – Kimberly Ferguson. How many registrants? 55 total. Kimberly received our promotional gifts in the mail and will work on getting these sent out along with the speaker gifts.
          • Potential collaboration with similar wound organizations-Christine Miller. ACFAS discovery meeting – met with PJ Andres and their President-elect Christine lectures for this organization. They have a large annual symposium and have about 4,000 members – they will be offering wound care in the future.
          • They seemed interested, so we have invited their president and education chair to attend the symposium to see what we can offer.
          • vTail – Kelly McFee. We have been approached by vTail to help promote their wound care application. In return for promoting the app, we would be compensated $25 per member download. Richard suggested that we have any potential contract reviewed by legal counsel.
          • Norman McCulloch has been working on increasing our membership through the hyperbaric community. Dr. McCulloch studied under Dr. Marvin Heyboer, who used to be a member.
            • UHMS and ACHM – Dr. Heyboer is a member of UHMS and is exploring a potential collaboration. There was also a discussion of collaborating with students/residents.
            • Dr. McCulloch is planning to integrate, through his wound center, the Internal Medicine and Family Practice students into a rotation through the wound center. Membership in training and transition membership once in their professional career. Students will be offered “student membership with the college.”
          • Next Symposium Planning Meeting August 31 at 7:00 p.m. est
          • Next EC meeting September 14 or 21 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern- will discuss date due to 14th is just before Symposium.
          • Next Quarterly BOD Mtg – September 16 at 6:30 p.m. est (abbreviated)

          Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.

          Adjourned: 8:09 pm EDT.

          25 May 2021 @ 7:00pm EST


          • Karen Brown
          • Christine Miller
          • Kim Smith
          • Kelly McFee
          • Jean Archer-Colella
          • Norman McCulloch
          • Richard Simman
          • Naz Wahab
          • Kimberly Ferguson
          • Amelia McCracken

          7:01 pm EST called to order: Karen Brown

          Review of Minutes & Old Business – Karen Brown

          • Reviewed old minutes from November – no edits required

          Old Business – Karen Brown

          • Welcome Dr. Norman McCulloch who will finish Mikhail’s term.

          Chair Report – Karen Brown

          • Symposium update, Bylaws update, Potential collaboration with similar wound organizations.
          • Karen – update on symposium vendors – Abbott committed to $1500, Apria committed and will reach out to Medela. We have 12 vendors and we have filled our Premier slot. Medline is still determining which level they want to sponsor at, Swift is also deciding. We have not heard back from Molnlycke.
          • Karen – potential collaboration with other wound organizations – we have declined to join AAWC, APWCA, etc. to join in a mutual conference in February, 2022. However, we are open to collaborating with other like-minded organizations in the future (Hyperbarics, podiatry, other wound organizations). There are about 5 different vascular organizations that exist that we could explore teaming up with.

          Treasurer Report – Kim Smith

          • Please see the treasury report that was sent.
          • Total Assets YTD = $73,946.11

          Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

          • Richard recommends that we start thinking about planning our next live symposium.
          • We could pick an established wound care journal for the College to support.
          • We could plan to poll the membership to see where they would prefer to meet for a live symposium in 2022. Nashville was popular the last time the membership was polled.
          • Amelia suggested a monthly “mini newsletter” that could be pushed out at the beginning of the months that we don’t send out the quarterly newsletter. This could feature the membership poll for symposium location for 2022, important updates, and an archived journal article.
          • Richard is willing to pursue speaking with the team at the Journal of Wound Care to see what would be required of us to partner with them – the BOD agrees with this.
          • Round table submissions are members-only, but attendance should be for everyone. Request for submissions will go out in the next mini newsletter.

          B2B Chair – Mikhail Novikov

          • Need to choose a replacement for Mikhail.

          CME Application – Naz Wahab

          • CME form for symposium – Kimberly has received 5-6 of those back so far. Recommended to upload the powerpoint as a pdf file or note that it is being sent separately in an email.

          Membership Chair Report – Barry Creighton

          • PT membership drive
          • Rose Hamm, PT, former board member – located in CA – APTA has started a wound program and will have their first boards next year. Rose has been active in writing the test questions for this board exam that will take place in February.
          • Penny Campbell in TN – East meets West series – discuss similarities/differences among practice in the different venues in hopes of drawing some PT students.
          • PT school in Texas – meeting 5/26/2021 – to discuss potential collabs
          • Richard suggested tapping into NLN – this had been explored several years ago.

           Media Chair Report – Jean Archer-Collela

          • Newsletter update, website update.
          • Upcoming newsletter blasts – July
          • January 5th, 2022 newsletter will recap the year
          • Deadlines for articles for next year shared.
          • Quarterly round table – last Thursday of the month, 7pm EST – First round table has been completed
            Next in July (Chris), then October (Jennifer) – no moderator yet for the last round table of the year.
          • Symposium in September – No responses for member satisfaction surveys – could we push this on social media instead of just the newsletter?
            • Could we offer an incentive – membership discount for the first 100 members that complete the survey.
            • Could incorporate SWAG for incentive for surveys. The design is in process so that we can order the wine tumbler for symposium registrants.
            • We could order 100 for the symposium and 100 for surveys.
            • Voted on and passed

            Other Orders of Business

            • Goldfarb/WHOVA Registration -Kimberly Ferguson – bank account has been verified. The program has been published and Kimberly and Amelia can work together to get this live on the website for registration this week.
            • Amelia has several announcements/graphics cued up for social media bla
            • ACCWS” Trademark registration-Barry Creighton – there is a LinkedIn group under the ACCWS name – Barry has reached out to LinkedIn to see if this group can be taken down. This will require that we trademark “ACCWS”. We currently have a trademark for the Logo. Barry’s friend quoted approximately $600 to get this. Richard suggested that we reach out to our attorney to inquire about of current trademarks, as we may already hold one. Karen will contact him to discuss.
            • Round Table coming up in July – Chris is hosting this
            • Next Symposium Planning Meeting June 1 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern
            • Next EC meeting June 15 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern
            • Next Quarterly BOD mtg – August 24 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern

            Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.

            Adjourned: 7:56 pm EST.

            23 February 2021 @ 7:00pm EST


            • Karen Brown
            • Jean Archer-Colella
            • Barry Creighton
            • Kimberly Ferguson
            • Kim Smith
            • Kelly McFee
            • Christine Miller
            • Mikhail Novikov
            • Richard Simman
            • Naz Wahab
            • Amelia McCracken
            • Chris Winters

            7:05pm EST called to order: Christine Miller

            Review of Minutes & Old Business – Christine Miller

            • Reviewed old minutes from November – no edits required

            Old Business – Christine Miller

            • The three new board members (Kim, Jean, Kelly) have voting privileges as of January.

            Chair Report – Karen Brown

            • 18 invites for different vendors have been sent out for the Symposium
            • 3M/KCI has expressed interest in becoming a premium member. Meeting set up to discuss this next week.
            • Verbal commitment from all participants from last year.
            • Needing a contact from Molnlycke
            • Bylaws update finished in December – Kimberly sent this to the lawyer for review. Kimberly will give us an update on this.
            • WoundCon March 12th, 2021 – we will have a free booth like we had last year. We get to advertise in a virtual booth that we don’t have to man.
            • We will have Amelia advertise on our medial accounts that Richard will be speaking at WoundCon.

            Treasurer Report – Kim Smith

            • January total income – $5,079.29 and total expenses – $676.87
            • Net Operating Income – $4,402.42
            • Total Assets YTD = $64,010.42

            Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

            • We have a finalized symposium agenda.
            • Speakers and moderators lined up for both days.
            • Do we have the contact information for all of the speakers – CME info/COIs.
            • We are using the Whova platform again.

            B2B Chair – Mikhail Novikov

            • Agenda and speakers lined up for B2B

            CME Application – Naz Wahab

            • We are wanting to apply for the symposium and B2B to be available all year on the self-study tract.
            • Naz needs 2 volunteers to assist with this – we have to identify objectives for each topic/session. Should be 2-3 hours of work per person. Richard and Christine have volunteered to assist.
            • Don and Karen are going to be working with Goldfarb.

            Membership Chair Report – Barry Creighton

            • Barry and Jean will work together with membership/media
            • May tap some non-board assistance from Deanna Vargo, previous Membership Chair.

             Media Chair Report – Jean Archer-Collela

            • Newsletter update:
              • New or existing articles for publication
              • Research, case reports, tips and pearls, letters to the editor, editorial commentary blog
              • Author’s guidelines have been shared with the membership
              • Guidelines reviewed
              • Can we create a template/examples for article submission that can be posted on the website?
              • We will feature a bio and photo of authors
              • When an article is submitted “submit final article” the submission will be sent to Amelia or Jean who will then issue blinded copies to reviewers
              • We can issue a call for reviewers from multiple disciplines
              • We do have a question – if a board member wants to submit a new paper, they should not review their own paper
              • We do have articles that have been submitted
              • We need to have some discussion regarding a peer-reviewed process – multidisciplinary, board vs. non-board
              • Do we have some non-board members to tap – Penny Campbell, PT
            • Website update:
              • Save the Date for the Symposium
              • WoundCon Advertising
              • Corrections for new Board members
              • Remove the Journal section
              • Overall update
              • Marketing campaign – what can we do to improve this? Videos, interactive components, etc.
              • Updated letter from the Chair – quarterly
              • Quarterly Round table discussions – we will need to engage the membership, submit challenging cases that they have encountered in their practice, if no submissions, we can review some of our own. Have 4-5 cases prepared for each round table discussion. We will want to send out invites for these. Can we start by sending out an email from the College inviting the membership to submit challenging cases to review? Richard and Chris have offered to help organize this. We can promote the case studies/grand rounds on the website and in the newsletter. Can we shoot for second week of April? Members can present their cases live or we can present the cases on their behalf.
            • Jean, Barry and Amelia to meet to set up framework for Marketing

              Other Orders of Business

              • Updated BOD contact list was circulated earlier this year
              • Quarterly BOD mtg plan to be second month of each qtr. On the 4th Tuesday.
              • Next Symposium planning meeting March 2 at 7:00PM EST – First Tuesday of the month. Meet in May and July.
              • Next EC Meeting March 16 at 7:00PM EDT

              We can out reminders 1 week prior to meeting dates – Kelly will send these out.

              Please remember to send your written reports to Kimberly for placement on the website.

              Adjourned: 8:07 pm EST.

              3 November 2020 @ 7:00p EST


              • Karen Brown
              • Jean Archer-Colella
              • Barry Creighton
              • Kimberly Ferguson
              • Kelly McFee
              • Christine Miller
              • Mikhail Novikov
              • Monica Progar
              • Richard Simman
              • Naz Wahab

              7:05pm EST called to order by Karen Brown.

              Welcome New Board Members – Introduction of Jean Archer-Colella & Kelly McFee.

              Review of Minutes & Old Business

              • Reviewed old minutes from September – no edits required. 

              Chair Report – Karen Brown

              • Need to update Bylaws – Karen, Christine & Naz will perform the review with a dealing of 12/31/20.
              • Nomination needed for Chair Elect.

              Membership Chair Report – Karen Brown

              • Jesse Cantu outgoing Chair is unable to attend many meetings.
              • Barry Creighton has been helping with membership along with his Media Chair duties.
              • The symposium generated 180 new inquiries into membership.
              • Amelia is sending out an emails to potential members and based upon their interest/response, Board members will be assigned to reach out on a personal level. The matching of potential members will be by sepciality when possible. RNs outnumber MDs and DPMs.
              • The membership meeting with be held & recorded through Zoom this Thursday (11/5/20 @ 7:30pm EST).

              Treasurer Report – Monica Progar

              • October total income – $7,187.21 and total expenses – $1,948.18.
              • January thru October total income – $26,976.29 and total expenses – $16,912.97.
              • Total Assets YTD = $58,329.35.

              Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

              • There is still interest in finding another journal, but cost is an issue ($20,000 per year). In the meantime, perhaps case study webinars can be performed to engage membership.

              B2B Chair Report – Mikhail Novikov

              • Program ran very successfully at the symposium and the college is pending a contract with a physician practice for a 1-year course access at the cost of $1,999.

              Media Chair Report  – Barry Creighton

              • Amelia has signed a 1-year contract to manage the website, advertising and IT functions for the ACCCWS (she did an amazing job with the symposium this year). 
              • Barry gave a breakdown of data regarding symposium attendee feedback – most felt the symposium offered a good review of wound healing, the Whova platform and the new techniques. Topics were well received.
              • Some recommendations to improve next year include more breakout sessions / “hands-on” events, more lymphedema, NPWT, HBOT, longer time frame for CMEs, and atypical wounds.
              • Proposed a Quarterly ACCWS newsletter with case studies to engage the membership.

              Membership Survey Results – Kimberly Ferguson

              • A four-question survey was sent out to the entire membership and there were 45 responses received.
              • Most are somewhat interested in a “Round Table” discussion regarding current wound care topics.
              • Majority would like a bi-annual membership meeting.
              • Majority interested in a quarterly newsletter.
              • The most common positive aspects of ACCWS membership include CME opportunities, collaboration, and best practice guidelines.
              • Suggestion was made to add a map function on the website so the ACCWS members can be located by patients and employers who are interested in their expertise (more to come on this topic). 

              Open Positions – Karen Brown

              • At the end of the year, the following positions will need to be filled: Treasurer, Membership Chair, Media Chair, & Bylaws Chair (Christine has agreed to take on this role). 
              • ACCWS has a booth at Fall WoundCon which will be held on 11/11/2020.

              Symposium Planning Meeting Tuesday 11/17 @ 7pm EST.

              Adjourned: 7:52pm EST.

              10 September 2020 @ 6:30p EDT


              • Karen Brown
              • Jesse Cantu
              • Kimberly Ferguson
              • Christine Miller
              • Mikhail Novikov
              • Monica Progar
              • Richard Simman
              • Naz Wahab
              • Chris Winters

              6:30pm EDT called to order by Karen.

              Review of Minutes & Old Business

              • Reviewed old minutes from June meeting-no edits required
              • Chris was able to obtain $4,000 refund from the Sheraton

              Chair Report – Karen Brown

              • During the symposium, we will need the board members to help man the ACCWS booth periodically.
              • For next years symposium, proposed date September 18th & 19th 2021 (more discussion to follow)

              Membership Chair Report – Jesse Cantu

              • Attendance for the ACCWS symposium has exceeded expectations (cap) is now 500+

              Treasurer Report – Monica Progar

              • Reviewed financial statements
              • $150 check pending from former Chair (US Bank account)

              Nominating Committee Chair Report – Chris Winters

              • Voting is open until 9/16, currently 172 members have voted out of the total 238

              Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

              • Still waiting to hear from Elsevier regarding ACCWS members being able to scan for access to previously published journal articles (JACCWS).

              Media Chair Report – Barry Creighton

              • Kudos given to both Kimberly & Amelia for all of their hard work!! They have been amazing!


              • Lara from Goldfarb will email all speakers to gain their permission to post the symposium presentation on the ACCWS until the end of December 2020.

              Adjourned: 6:56 pm EDT.

              30 June 2020 @ 7p EDT


              • Karen Brown
              • Kimberly Ferguson
              • Christine Miller
              • Mikhail Novikov
              • Monica Progar
              • Richard Simman
              • Naz Wahab
              • Chris Winters

              7:04pm EDT called to order by Karen.

              Old Business

              • Reviewed old minutes from March meeting
              • Still pending receipt of hotel refund (Sheraton)

              Chair Report – Karen Brown

              • Invited to host a virtual booth for summer WoundCon (Friday 7/17), we will need to divide up the time between our board members (possibly 30-minute increments each to cover the day). This will be through On24 virtual platform.

              Treasurer Report – Monica Progar

              • Current balance is around $41,000 this includes the $10,000 from Medline.

              Nominating Committee Chair Report – Chris Winters

              • Presently, there are 6 applicants (4 MDs, 1 DPM, 1 RN)- nomination deadline is 7/31/20
              • Will need to fill 4 positions to have the full complement of 10 board members.

              Education Chair Report – Richard Simman

              • Post Symposium- focus on putting educational material/testimonials on our website to make it more dynamic.
              • The loss of ACCWS journal was an unfortunate but still has visibility online. To resurrect the journal, we will need member & board commitment to contributing articles.

              CME Nevada Issue – Naz Wahab & Karen Brown

              • Nevada will only grant 8 CEs for the 2-day symposium.
              • Suggested that breaks can be reduced in the virtual format, along with making the lectures 1 hour long.
              • Naz will see if these modifications will help increase the CME level as Goldfarb is awarding 13 CEs.

               Whova Virtual Platform – Kimberly Ferguson

              • The Executive Committee reviewed different platforms and selected Whova for its versatility and price.
              • The presentations can be pre-recorded, with live Q&A/panel discussions
              • There are centers for sponsors & exhibitors with chat rooms available
              • It can be customized with our brand
              • Attendee analytics can be tracked
              • Attendees can directly contact speakers & vendors
              • The cost is $1,399 for up 500 attendees
              • Our content will be stored separately (either our website or youtube)
              • Amelia will be in contact about the recording process for the speakers.


              • Naz introduced the of possibility of the ACCWS joining with the AWC, more to come on  this proposition.

              Adjourned: 8:03  pm EDT.

              31 March 2020 @ 7p EST


              • Karen Brown
              • Barry Creighton
              • Kimberly Ferguson
              • Christine Miller
              • Mikhail Novikov
              • Monica Progar
              • Richard Simman
              • Naz Wahab
              • Chris Winters


              • Jesse Cantu

              7:05pm EST called to order by Karen.

              Old Business/Welcome

              • Minutes from the previous meeting in October 2019, not available at this time for discussion
              • New board member, Christine Miller, will fill the vacant role of Secretary
              • Welcome back, Mikhail Novikov, who will fill Penny’s Chair position until 2021.
              • Chair-Elect & Bylaws Chair
                • There are open positions for the Chair-Elect and Bylaws Chair positions due to recent departures.
                • Board members are asked to think of motivated college fellows that may be a good fit for these positions.
                • Ideally, a new Bylaws Chair is needed by the end of April
                • The suggestion was made to see if Don Mrdjenovich would consider filling this vacancy due to his vast experience with the college.

              Symposium Updates

              • Consensus was reached to not include a COVID-19 disclaimer in the symposium brochures & promotional materials
              • The uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 spurred a lively discussion regarding having a plan B, in case this crisis is not resolved by September.
              • A “back out” date if needed, to minimize the college’s financial loss has yet to be determined. Karen has been in contact with the hotel/conference site (Glenda) and will clarify this date later. We still owe between $10,000-$15,000.
              • Barry has looked into the Hub, a virtual learning platform, as an alternative option. This platform has the capacity to provide lectures, surveys, and vendor exhibit interactions. The hub conference app is around $1600 and a customized ACCWS app would run around $2000.
              • Richard suggested looking into conference/event insurance -Karen will check with Glenda regarding this matter.
              • Karen will also see if a cheaper deal can be reached with the conference site regarding the current $72 per person/day rate.
              • The brochure appearance was discussed, it was agreed upon that removing the learning objectives for each topic will make it more streamlined and less busy.
              • CME sponsorship for the symposium is a costly & labor-intensive process: status is still undetermined.
              • Chris will check on podiatric CME & Naz will investigate the allopathic CME, and Karen is addressing the nursing CE.
              • Physical Therapists will need to secure their
                own credits Ment Contract Review
              • A unanimous vote was achieved in favor of accepting Amelia’s contract as a matter of good record keeping. She has been very dedicated and generous to the ACCWS.


              • There are 400 members of the ACCWS with only 250 being active
              • There are 3 open board positions, still to be determined if the positions should be filled now or at the normal cycle.
              • The loss of ACCWS journal was an unfortunate event, due to the lack of scholarly submissions. A consensus was reached to “crawl before we walk” and begin collecting article submissions for publication on our website (though not
                indexed works) as a beginning step. The end goal is to reach the academic level that we previously held.

              Adjourned: 8:15 pm EST.

              13 June 2019 @ 4:30p EST


              • Monica Progar-Treasurer
              • Kimberly Ferguson- Accountant
              • Karen Brown- Chair Elect
              • Christopher Winters- Chairman

              Meeting called to order by Chris.

              Social Media

              Barry has access to Twitter and Linked in. Barry not comfortable to create facebook page.

              Kim will be person to work with our social media along with Don and have admin privileges.

              Other Business

              Karen will check if there is any conflict for dates on the symposium with WOCN mid-west regional meeting

              We will present the below to the Board on our call. Asking Penny to send this information out to the Board ASAP so they have it fresh in their mind for the call.

              • Planning to host symposium in 2020
              • Budget 15-20K
              • Looking at September 11th and 12th or 18th and 19th, 2020
              • Executive Board recommending Location – St. Louis MO
              • Preferred venue is the St. Charles Convention Center -waiting for Kim to receive response from them with availability.
              • Recommending a Block of 50 hotel rooms
              • Looking to have approximately 200 people.
              • Need a board member to volunteer as chairperson
              • Assign subcommittee chairs
                • § Registration
                • § Venue management (Kimberly)
                • § Speakers
                • § Vendors
                • § CME/CEs (Barry?)
              • Kimberly to get us a list of members who live in the area who can assist on site with registration
              • Friday Symposium (all day) with Saturday offering Back to Basics.

              Meeting adjourned.

              29 November 2018 @ 6:00p EST


              • Penny Campbell
              • Kimberly Ferguson
              • Monica Timko-Progar
              • Naz Wahab
              • Barry Creighton
              • Don Mrdjenovich
              • Richard Simman
              • Daniel LeGrande
              • Mikhail Novikov

              Meeting called to order by Monica Timko-Progar at 6:05p.

              No Old Business To Discuss.

              New Bank Account

              • PNC is ready when we are
              • Monica to go to her local PNC and set up the checking account under the American College of Clinical Wound Specialists. Monica will then add Karen Brown as a co-owner of the account and Kimberly Ferguson as an authorized signer
              • Karen Brown has agreed to fill the responsibility of setting up a credit card and merchant account under the College’s name and act as a guarantor
              • Guarantor is easily transferred when needed
              • The board has agreed to set up these accounts listed above under the American College of Clinical Wound Specialists Inc. with PNC

              New Member Update – Facebook Page

              • New board member Monday
              • All board members to be featured on FB page
              • Barry Creighton is the first feature
              • If you have not turned in your bio to Kimberly yet, please do so asap.

              Website Update – Kimberly Ferguson

              • Kimberly reformatted the first page and moved the donation request to the bottom of the page as requested
              • Added the Pressure Ulcer Summit announcement to webiste

              Membership Update – Kimberly Ferguson

              • ~200 active members
              • 250 members still working on renewals

              Financials – Monica Timko-Progar

              • $18,239 in the bank
              • Board agreed to increase the payment to McNamee to $1,000 per month from $500. Balance due is $8,300.


              • We have a separate call for this with it’s own set of meeting notes
              • Everyone sent meeting minutes
              • Next Symposium call is set for December 13th. Invitation sent out on 11/29/18
              • CareRite corporate planners to join our call on the 13th, if possible. They will determine if CareRite will be a partner. In doing so, it will not cost us anything for the planning assistance. If not, they will assit us with direction in finding a conference planner.

              Toledo Meeting

              • Karen Brown and Chris Winters assigned to join the planning call for the upcoming Toledo Conference
              • Promedica has decided to use local people since they lost $2k on the meeting last year. No speakers from the College Board this year.
              • The College will be visible in the marketing and educational materials and get a free booth for membership promotion
              • The College will get all proceeds from the Back to Basics course on Day 2
              • Slides for the B2B course need to be updated. Karen, Barry, Penny, Mikhail and Don have agreed to update the slide decks. Work to begin in January 2019.

              Other Business

              • Don – Committee Chairs need to be re-ratified or re-assigned at the beginning of 2019
                • Executive Committee needs to be re-assigned or continuation of current committee members at the beginning of 2019
                • Committee Chair assigned by New Chair – Karen Brown
                • Needs to be put on the agenda under New Business for January meeting
              • Richard – Relationship with Elsevier will be over with the last Journal publication in December
                • We are looking for a new publisher.
                • 3 opportunities for future:
                  • EPlasty – online journal, receptive to having us publish in a section of their journal
                  • Annals of Plastic Surgery
                  • AAWC has split with HMP
                    • may want to collaborate
                    • they lost the journal Wounds
                    • looking for a new journal opportunity
                • Put on the agenda for next meeting to allow more time to discuss
              • Symposium Meeting planned for December 13th

              Meeting adjourned at 7:12p EST.